Beautiful Boy: Kailua Newborn Photographer
January 27, 2011 | Filed Under Baby | Comments Off on Beautiful Boy: Kailua Newborn Photographer
While mom wraps her new baby in a cozy blanket, his sweet, pure, love wraps her up in it’s soft warmth. Her heart swells with love just from being so near. There is something about holding her new baby that puts a mother instantly at peace. That sweet spirit that permeates throughout his little body. The delicate skin, the sweet smell, the expression of pure innocence…all of those things that are so hard to put into words.
Welcome to the world Stetson!
My beautiful nephew was born just two days ago. Already he is such a handsome little man!
January 16, 2011 | Filed Under Baby, Family | 1 Comment
When my sister-in-law came home, her husband was waiting for her with the perfect surprise…Ham.
Although I am completely allergic, I totally want to cuddle this sweet, tiny bulldog. For those of you who know me, this is a big deal! He is so cute when he waddles across the lawn… I just had to share a photo of Ham.
Kailua Baby Shower
January 14, 2011 | Filed Under Events | Comments Off on Kailua Baby Shower
She’s having a boy!
As our family gathered to celebrate the impending arrival of baby boy Stetson, we wanted to do something a little different. We chose Crepes No Ka ‘Oi, in Kailua, for the location of Deborah’s baby shower. We could not have picked a better place! They were so accommodating and their crepes were delicious! I think I could eat there every day. I’m a huge crepe fan.
A hand-painted family tree for the nursery
Soccer Season
January 11, 2011 | Filed Under Children, Events | Comments Off on Soccer Season
For the little guys, the AYSO soccer season has come to an end. It was so much fun watching these kids grow as a team. I was amazed at the talent and drive that surfaced in those 7-year-old bodies! They inspire me!
Here are a few of my favorites from the Lightning Condors…
Belated Holiday
January 9, 2011 | Filed Under Children, Events | Comments Off on Belated Holiday
As I was looking through holiday photos of the past few months, I was thinking to myself, “I sure didn’t take many pictures of the family. Hmph.” Then I found a lone SD card sitting on my desk. It screamed, “look at me!” Sure enough, there they were. All of the pictures from Christmas!
So although a little late, I’m so happy to have found them, I wanted to post a belated holiday nugget.
My shepherd boy
My Christmas elf