Smith Family Reunion: Lanikai Beach
July 30, 2011
| Filed Under Family, Slideshows
Family reunions are never quite complete without a few rambunctious children. Fortunately, we had lots of opportunities to play and I think the kids had a pretty good time exploring, jumping and running around. It was super cute to see all of the cousins playing together. I loved the bright, fun colors the whole family wore. Coral, pink and orange was serious eye candy against the deep, turquoise ocean.
A family reunion was a fun and memorable end to their time on Oahu. The wonderful Ann Jex and her amazing family is moving all the way to Maryland, which feels like a world away. After spending many beach days at Lanikai the past couple of years, it was a delight to capture their last memories in Hawaii here.
See below for a slideshow of the Smith Family Reunion photo session:

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