March 24, 2012 | Filed Under Children | Comments Off on Run like a Child
When ever we’re at the park, I think of Phoebe on “Friends” who ran like a child with arms and legs flailing.
Run like no body is watching.
Run like you don’t have a care in the world.
Run like a child.

March 22, 2012 | Filed Under Children | 1 Comment
Put on your rainboots and go for a stroll.
Pepper and I took full advantage of all the rain the last couple of weeks. We love to don our favorite pair of boots and head outside for some fun.

It’s finally clearing up this week and beginning to feel like Spring. Enjoy the great weather everyone!
March 13, 2012 | Filed Under Children, Events, Family | Comments Off on SPRING Mini Sessions
We’ve been having so much rain lately, I wanted to welcome in Spring by having a day of mini photo sessions! Send me an email for more info.

Take a look at some of the adorable photos from last year HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE!
March 4, 2012 | Filed Under Family, Slideshows | 2 Comments
When I heard the news, I could not think of a more deserving person. She is an incredible example and inspiration to me and to all those who know her. When life throws lemons, she truly makes lemonade! Her smile is contagious and her attitude towards life is amazing. 2012 marks a memorable year for Janny Gibson. She has such a big heart that reaches far beyond that of her own family. Chosen for Hawaii’s Young Mother of the Year award, Janny is sure to touch many more hearts this coming year.
It was a real joy to spend the morning photographing Janny and her beautiful family! Born and raised in Lanikai, she wanted to capture memories of her family at their beach. Documenting the moments their family had playing together was so tender and sweet. I’m glad to have been a part of that.

These are my favorite kind of family portraits! Laughter, love, playful interactions…some of the best things in family.

Infusing laughter into their daily routine is a natural part of life for the Gibsons! Once the kids started twirling and jumping around, they all joined in the silliness.
This is a beautiful picture. To me is says: togetherness.
See more of the Gibson Family below:
Gibson Family from Jenni Speed.