Out of the Office
March 28, 2015 | Filed Under Baby, Children, Couples, Events, Family, Fashion/Commercial, Senior Portraits | Comments Off on Out of the Office
I’m currently unavailable for further photo sessions at this time.
the Sanchez Girls: Kailua Children’s Photographer
November 15, 2011 | Filed Under Baby, Children | Comments Off on the Sanchez Girls: Kailua Children’s Photographer
We are neck deep into our beautiful FALL. I am in love with the gorgeous weather we’ve had lately. It’s been perfect to photograph in!
These two sisters were so sweet and adorable. They were full of laughs and fun expressions. It was a very enjoyable morning I got to spend with their lovely family. See their fun slideshow here.
I love Penelope’s expression in this one. What a doll!
Such a sweet sister moment
To see more of these beautiful girls, check out their family portraits HERE & Penelope’s newborn photos HERE.
How to Photograph Your Baby Laughing
October 22, 2011 | Filed Under Baby, Children | Comments Off on How to Photograph Your Baby Laughing
My daughter just turned 16 months old and is really starting to develop a super fun sense of humor. Lately she’s taken to throwing a blanket over her head at any given moment and transforming into a ghost. When she runs into the walls and furniture like a pin ball machine, she thinks it’s so funny. We all do!
Here are some fun ideas on how to photograph your baby laughing.
TIP 1: Ages 1-2 years old tend to love slapstick humor. Try putting a banana on your head, or a diaper…or anything that doesn’t belong. For little “S” the magic was all in a plastic bag. She couldn’t keep her eyes off it & loved when we danced around silly with it!
TIP 2: Peek-a-Boo is a favorite game for young & old babies alike. I played this game with Avery to get her to relax and really warm up to me:
TIP 3: The Chase. When ever I say, “I’m gonna get you!” my little one immediately runs away laughing…in the opposite direction. So if you plan ahead, and get another adult or older child to give chase, you can be ready at the other side of the room when your baby turns and heads in your direction…laughing with excitement. Below, I was fortunate to have parents helping me with our fun game so when Olivia came running out from behind the tree, I was ready for her adorable smile.
TIP 4: Tickle. It never fails.
TIP 5: Swing & Throw. I love to get dad to throw his little one up in the air. Instant smiles all around. Sweet Scarlet also loved the 1-2-3 SWING game.
TIP 6: If you have older kids too, use them! Siblings can be the best helpers. One day my boys and I were at the park & created this happy moment simply by making silly animal sounds (& hopping like a bunny):
Then I handed the camera to my 4 year old and he took these:
Pretty amazing! I might have a little photographer in the making.
TIP 7: By trading places with your older children & occasionally letting them do the photographing, they will be more engaged and want to be apart of your picture-taking adventures.
Remember to make picture taking a fun, light-hearted attempt. Kids of all ages respond best to fun, games & silliness rather than scolding & bribing to create the right pose or expression. Your pictures will almost always turn out better if you laugh along with your little ones. This is also the first step in turning your photo taking into memory making!
My Little Girl
September 14, 2011 | Filed Under Baby, Children | 1 Comment
I am sure all of it will change very soon, but for now I love being the center of her world!
She certainly is mine.